The Daily Show is funny and informative. Its nice to see a show that doesn't make you want to sleep. And as we know the viewers of this show are very informed. But is it too much? It may be that the show is silly and a little hard to watch too often. while funny it is not always a substitute for news.
On tonight's show the main focus of the show spent a lot of time on the payments made to the victims of priests. It almost seems making fun of it lessens the severity of what these priests did. This is why I believe that it is fun in small doses but some really in depth news is needed as a supplement to this show.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
World News!
Tonight on ABC's 6:30 news the lead story was that the average cholesterol is now in the healthy range for the first time in 50 years. The rise in medication has helped. The storms in the midwest was next and how these people are coping. The election had a whole 20 seconds and the war about 15. Health care got an interesting segment. It seems that the VA system a form of socialized medicine is more efficient then any other system.
Am I the only on that thinks this is one of those things where even if we did all have the same care, like in the VA system that it is bound to fail. It is similar to schools, some do better then other because of where they are or how much money they have. Anything on a small scale will work.
Am I the only on that thinks this is one of those things where even if we did all have the same care, like in the VA system that it is bound to fail. It is similar to schools, some do better then other because of where they are or how much money they have. Anything on a small scale will work.
Someone give Yogi a Bat

Many Americans believe that image only applies to women in America. Meaning that men do not have to worry about body image or being perfect. I will have to disagree with this. It may not be as wide spread or on the same level, but men deal with their own issues about appearance. Take the performance enhancing drug trend in baseball. This is a prime example of pressure put on men to perform better by altering their body in a harmful way. This is no different to me then a model who crash diets in order to fit the image that is required of them.
So why is this happening? I believe it has a lot to do with competition and rising costs. The fact that a baseball player can make 250 million in 10 years is insane. If they are not the best at what they do they can't compete. So what is the solution? I say lets go back to the times when people played ball because they loved it. Oddly enough there was a time when these players had jobs that they worked in the off season. Tickets and beer were cheap, and players were just good ball players. They didn't need to break records so they could rack up the endorsement deals. They played because they were great players and no matter how many records Barry Bonds holds he will never be the kind of Yankee that Babe was or Yogi or even Jeter.
So why is this happening? I believe it has a lot to do with competition and rising costs. The fact that a baseball player can make 250 million in 10 years is insane. If they are not the best at what they do they can't compete. So what is the solution? I say lets go back to the times when people played ball because they loved it. Oddly enough there was a time when these players had jobs that they worked in the off season. Tickets and beer were cheap, and players were just good ball players. They didn't need to break records so they could rack up the endorsement deals. They played because they were great players and no matter how many records Barry Bonds holds he will never be the kind of Yankee that Babe was or Yogi or even Jeter.
So my solution? There is none. We can't go back in time, we can only move forward. None of these people are going to give up their paycheck out of a sense of nostalgia. They well simply continue to juice and eventually baseball will fall out of favor with the American public. But until then we will have to live with this image.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

I read Roy's post on World AIDS day and I must agree with him. AIDS is an important issue for a number of reasons. One very important issue is who it effects. AIDS and HIV are in the process of wiping out entire cultures abroad and severely infecting based on socio-economical levels. Meaning that in America those most likely to become HIV positive are Black females. The poorer you are the higher your risk as well. In places such as Africa this disease has the potential of wiping out entire populations and villages. It is devastating to have such a disease destroying culture.
I must agree with Roy, I believe that the cost of these drugs should be lowered in order to help prevent the spread of AIDS. Also local initiatives like Broadway Cares can help the families as well as those with AIDS cope with this.
Oprah and Barack
So my hero is Oprah, I love this woman. She always reminds me of her character Sophia from The Color Purple. I think she is smart and generous and takes no crap. She is a powerful individual who can show all people regardless of color, creed, gender, and class that they too can be a success. She is an American success story, and she is backing Obama; I also like him, I think it is too soon for him but regardless I like him. I think if Barack comes back in like 4 or 8 or maybe even 12 years he would make a better candidate. I would like it if he had a little more time in congress.
I really like that Oprah is campaigning for him. She rarely supports any candidate publicly and she must really like and believe in him if she is putting her reputation of the line. In the next few weeks we will either see Barack Obama become the Democratic candidate or he will go back to congress and await his turn. Either way it is not the end of him. I think he will do great things in the congress and then maybe one day as president.
On a side note, pay attention to how she is talking when she is in SC, she is definitely getting back to her southern roots.

On Hannity and Colmes the most interesting segment was done with Karl Rove who talks to Hannity about the primaries. They discuss the front runners and the chances that each one has. Rove tells Obama to go after Clinton and blow the whistle. Rove believes that Obama can win if he does this. But it will be hard because of the people that she has surrounded herself with. He also had an interesting comment to make about how the Republicans can beat her if she gets the nomination. He believes he should keep it clean.
On the Republican side he thinks that the “Huckaboom” is in Iowa but does not know how well that will transfer. Giuliani on the hand, he believes is taking a risk in relaying on his stronger states but not too concerned with the earliest states.
This guy is an interesting guy; he was able to pull off the election and reelection of President Bush. This was an amazing job just on how to run a campaign. It would seem that this guy may have some of the best insight into this election than many of the other talking heads. I kind of like this guy. He is smart, yet he is not willing to give too much away.
H&C is a good show I like the approach they take. It is clear that it mostly about Hannity but he is not a bad pundit and is likable. His interview with Rove as light; he did not attack him but simply asked his opinion.
New Jersey: A Possible New Governor?
I have lived in South Jersey my entire life, I have spent ever summer (and winter) on the beach for as long as I could remember. And every summer on route 37 you would know it was us because one could here the sounds of Bon Jovi coming from my car. Anyway why am I reminiscing about my childhood and high school? because page six reports that Jon may run for governor. As silly as this may be it would be fun to see Bon Jovi take on Governor Goldman Sachs.
New Jersey blogger, John Shabe put the following list on his blog that I would like to share.
10 reasons why Bon Jovi should be governor ...
10. Tico Torres could drumbeat a full day's work out of anyone.
9. He could rewrite his song lyrics to serenade some of our former governors..."You Give Jersey A Bad Name".
8. He's already got the entourage.
7. We haven't had anyone with groovy hair like his since Governor Livingston.
6. Trenton's incentive: Free tickets to arena football.
5. His limo driver obeys the speed limit and insists that his passengers always wear their seatbelts.
4. Just imagine the rockin' town meetings!
3. Hallelujah! Finally our lack of a state song dilemma is solved!
2. A new kind of inauguration....C'mon over to the mansion....Party!
1. Hey...nothin's gettin' done anyway!
In all honesty This state is in dire need of new government, with GGS new plan to hike highway tolls in order to close the budget it is just another example of selected taxpayers getting a raw deal. The public officials who make the laws sit pretty while the rest of us must pay for it all.
Get this, if you hold a part-time public office, lets say a member of a town council making $5500 a year after you serve for 25 years you will get a pension that is based on the average of the three highest paid years. So maybe you make a percentage of the $5500 this seems fair. But the New Jersey politicians have found a way around this. They get their other political buddies to create a position for them for say $90,000 a year. They then serve in this position for 3 years and retire on that pension.
Okay so I will admit that this may not be what is breaking the budget, but it is not helping. The pensions that New Jersey is giving out is outrageous and to boot the people who are getting these pensions can't afford to live here so they are taking their pensions and leaving the state.
It is insane that the people of this state continue to elect these crooks into office election after election. I for one would think it would be refreshing if Jon Bon Jovi was Governor. And maybe the playmates can run the legislative branch. I think they would do a better job balancing the budget than this current government.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Huckabee and Coulter: A New Political Power Couple?

So Robin Gerber of the Huffington Post is pretty sure that they will be perfect for each other. She dug up a comment by Huckabee from almost ten years ago about how he would like Christians to take the nation back for Christ and compared it to Coulter's way more antisemitic remake. This may have to fall under the category of being a little bit of a stretch.
If I would have to interpret Huckabee's comment it would seem that it is more likely to mean that he would like the nation to become more conservative; that is following the conservative doctrines which as we all know tend to be based on the religious views of some of the citizens of this country. Coulter's remark on the other hand was a knock on the Jewish faith. She disagreed with the basic doctrine's of the faith while Huckabee seems to have been focusing on reviving the doctrines of his own faith.
This falls under the category of unfair attack. There is no proof that Huckabee hates other faiths but simply that he really likes his own. It is obvious that this was simply an attack on him to make him look bad or draw attention to his religion. Unfortunately, this is sometimes the result of people who have their own agenda. By linking Mike to Ann, Gerber is trying to discredit him.
23 months!

Michael Vick a.k.a the worlds dumbest football player has been sentenced to 23 months behind bars for dog fighting. The former NFL star admitted that he bankrolled a dog fighting operation. He also admitted to killing 6 to 8 dogs that did not perform well in test fights.
I cannot understand how any person can do this. Are we that sad of a species that we enjoy watching two animals be torn to pieces? I love how we get to decide the fate of these animals. What bothers me the most about this is that this guy didn't need the money. He had a NFL contract and endorsement deals yet he needed to do this. Was it simply the enjoyment or was it to employ his buddies. the operation included "the execution of under performing dogs by electrocution, drowning, hanging and other means."
I am in no means a member of any animal rights groups but this is insane. I disagree with the notion that eating meat is cruel or one should not have a fur coat if they so choose to have one. I am against this type of brutality. What was the purpose or executing the dogs in this manor. Its not like they were setting an example for the other dogs. This man is just sick. He is a disgrace to the human race and gives other really rich people a bad name. Dog fighting is almost understandable if you have children to feed or your mother needs a doctor. But as a rich mans sport its despicable.
I believe that more should be written about the actions of this jerk.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Cable News at its finest.
Today over the course of the evening I watched Fox News and CNN. A shooting at two separate church sights in Colorado was the top new story. The newscasters seem to be taking the same approach on both channels. CNN seemed to focus more on this one story while Fox seemed to move onto a few different stories. Personally I like the variety approach. A news channel should be able to give us the news of the day and when they focus on one particular story it gets redundant do to the slow speed the new information will reach the stations.
I think that it is clear that none of these stations are non partisan. It is sometimes fun to watch the opinionated talking heads on both networks. This being said, it is unfair to accuse either station or being strictly objective or partisan. In the stories of tragedy or crime at the beginning it is not going to be about the politics. Later on CNN or Fox may have a debate over gun control but that will not happen until most of the facts are out and these people run out of things to say.
I think that it is clear that none of these stations are non partisan. It is sometimes fun to watch the opinionated talking heads on both networks. This being said, it is unfair to accuse either station or being strictly objective or partisan. In the stories of tragedy or crime at the beginning it is not going to be about the politics. Later on CNN or Fox may have a debate over gun control but that will not happen until most of the facts are out and these people run out of things to say.
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