Watching this young lady go from ordinary girl to playboy bunny in a half-hour made me wonder about what it is we value. It was clear that she enjoyed the process as well as the party but it was also obvious that it was a character she was playing. This is what this entire show is about. These three girls get to live celebrity lifestyle just because they are blonde. It is quite clear that they are a publicity stunt for Hef. He has to live every guys fantasy to sell his product and in order to do this he needs to have beautiful girls vying for him.
The friendship that is forged between these girls makes it apparent that they are not looking for a life time with Hef. They are like a musical act; they are around for photo ops and the impression that is left on people is that they are good friends who all love the same man. We enjoy laughing at the show because of how outrageous it is. Anything less then this belief is silly. We understand and hope that parents have enough brains to not allow their daughters to watch this type of television and if they do that they point out the positive things about this show. That is the friendship between the girls, or the careers they have made outside of being a girlfriend. One of them even has a masters while the other is attending classes to be a massage therapist while the other is earning her bachelors.
All in all this show may be silly but its over all kind of an endearing show with more of a neutral impact on girls then a negative or a positive.
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