Evolution and Texas
In the op-ed piece above the author is rather upset by the firing of Texas Education Agency employee, Christine Comer, its director of science. It seems that she forwarded an e-mail about a speech on evolution. Their fear is that this is the beginning of the push in Texas to stop the teaching of evolution.
This is a legitimate concern, Texas is shall we say different. While I disagree with rejecting the idea of "creationism" all together, I also disagree with not teaching evolution. Didn't we already have this fight? It was like in the 1920s and there were monkeys involved? I guess my real complaint here is that I take issue with any individual or group who believes that they are the only ones who are right. Evolution is a touchy subject I'm not trying to say that its not. It completely rejects the biblical interpretation, and that kind of sucks considering we do not really have much to believe in anymore sometimes these folks would just like to be left alone with their bible.
But like I said I disagree with not teaching both sides. . I mean who is really being hurt by teaching either interpretation. Whats wrong with allowing the students the opportunity of figuring it out for themselves. Maybe the religious people are right, now wouldn't that be a kick in the ass? Anyway in all seriousness I believe if you become too committed to our beliefs we forget that there is another side to the story.
I am not advocating "creationism" I do not even believe in the bible. I am advocating acceptance and tolerance. these two thinks seem to be lost of many people too committed to their beliefs. And in case it's not clear where I stand on this issue I will leave you two quotes from one of my absolute favorite plays "Inherit the Wind," which happens to be the story of the Scopes Monkey Trials.
"Bert, whenever you see something bright, shining, perfect-seeming. look behind the paint! And if it's a lie-show it up for what it really is! -Acts III, Sc. 1~Inherit the Wind
"The individual human mind. In a child's power to master the multiplication table there is more sanctity than in all your shouted amens and holy holy hosannas. An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral, and the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks turned to snakes or the parting of the waters"~ Inherit the Wind
In the op-ed piece above the author is rather upset by the firing of Texas Education Agency employee, Christine Comer, its director of science. It seems that she forwarded an e-mail about a speech on evolution. Their fear is that this is the beginning of the push in Texas to stop the teaching of evolution.
This is a legitimate concern, Texas is shall we say different. While I disagree with rejecting the idea of "creationism" all together, I also disagree with not teaching evolution. Didn't we already have this fight? It was like in the 1920s and there were monkeys involved? I guess my real complaint here is that I take issue with any individual or group who believes that they are the only ones who are right. Evolution is a touchy subject I'm not trying to say that its not. It completely rejects the biblical interpretation, and that kind of sucks considering we do not really have much to believe in anymore sometimes these folks would just like to be left alone with their bible.
But like I said I disagree with not teaching both sides. . I mean who is really being hurt by teaching either interpretation. Whats wrong with allowing the students the opportunity of figuring it out for themselves. Maybe the religious people are right, now wouldn't that be a kick in the ass? Anyway in all seriousness I believe if you become too committed to our beliefs we forget that there is another side to the story.
I am not advocating "creationism" I do not even believe in the bible. I am advocating acceptance and tolerance. these two thinks seem to be lost of many people too committed to their beliefs. And in case it's not clear where I stand on this issue I will leave you two quotes from one of my absolute favorite plays "Inherit the Wind," which happens to be the story of the Scopes Monkey Trials.
"Bert, whenever you see something bright, shining, perfect-seeming. look behind the paint! And if it's a lie-show it up for what it really is! -Acts III, Sc. 1~Inherit the Wind
"The individual human mind. In a child's power to master the multiplication table there is more sanctity than in all your shouted amens and holy holy hosannas. An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral, and the advance of man's knowledge is a greater miracle than all the sticks turned to snakes or the parting of the waters"~ Inherit the Wind
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